I’m continuing on with lower volume training, which I admit may seem a little counter-intuitive for someone who is going to be running a marathon in the first week of May.
When I say lower volume training, I still run an average of between 50-60km per week. Additionally, I have done multiple longer runs prior to beginning the 16 weeks of BMO Vancouver Marathon Training, so I already have a good aerobic base.
I know that my body will remember all the 30km runs that I used to do.
In week 7, I did a lot of hills. I ran up and down Mount Doug 3 times in one day. Another time I went for a slightly longer (18km) run that included a 1-time ascent up Mount Doug. Then, I did a few 5k runs that involved a more hillier route.
In week 8, I focused on running distances between 8 and 15km. I did an 8k and a 10k tempo. Then, I did a 12k run and 15k run. Took 3 rest days leading up to the races.
In week 9, I rested for the first part of the week, because I raced the LifeMark Esquimalt 5k and the Comox RV Half Marathon. I got a personal best in the Half Marathon and was very excited about it.